Interview- Nathan Mongol Wells

Interview- Nathan Mongol Wells

Nathan Mongol Wells, Dallas-based musician and frontman of Ottoman Turks, isn’t just dipping his toe into the new world of solo artistry, he’s cannonballing right into the deep end. He just released his debut album, From a Dark Corner, an album best described as “eclectic,” but not in the sense that the album seems jumbled, only that Wells is a lover of many different genres and infuses them all within this album.  

1. I've only ever known you as part of the Ottoman Turks or playing with other musicians, but I'm ecstatic to see you releasing your own solo album. Was there something in particular that clicked and you knew it was time for a solo album? Or is this just a necessary step in the trajectory of your career?

First of all, it’s kind of you to say you’re ecstatic! It’s been really fun to know you as long as we have and sort of come up together in the scene. As for the record, it’s something that’s been building for a while now... I always knew it was coming but it took a while to get here! Obviously, the Turks have always left room for its members to pursue solo projects - first Josh, then Billy. But Turks was so important to me, I was really focused on the first two records and there wasn’t any bandwidth to address my solo material that was growing all the while. When OTII came out, it was time. 

2. Speaking of going solo, is this a permanent thing? Or will we see you still making music with OT?

This is a question that has been posed a lot since I started recording the solo record! In my opinion, I don’t see why it can’t be both - I love both, they’re different entities and offer different things musically and creatively. We’ve already started writing and working on tunes for OTIII, and I’ve already got stuff both recorded and brand-new for another solo record. All in good time.

3. Describe this album in three words:

Dark, eclectic, and fun.

4. I don't feel like any two songs are the same in regards to classifying them as a genre, was this intentional? Or is this just the by-product of your personality and love of different genres of music? 

I've always felt that genre is more fluid than people typically allow for - so many types of music are the offshoots and byproducts of other music, and finding the middle ground or stretching the norm is the fun part. That being said, I do like a lot of different types of music, and this record is definitely a reflection of the many things I love wrapped up in one. I do feel like there's still a common thread tying them all together, though, even if that thread is just me.

5. Talk to me about your favorite song on the album and why that is. Is it because of the lyrics? Or perhaps a favorite one to perform?

One song that I keep coming back to as a favorite is "Knew You." We actually recorded it way back in 2018 initially, with my live band at the time, and revisited it when we started putting the record together. All we recut were the vocals. Something about the way it all came together really makes it stand out to me - the background vocals, the almost delicate instrumentation - a product of all the folks who worked on the song. Helps the story come alive in a way that I love.

6. I've seen a few reviews of the album that compare a few of the tracks to something that sounded like it could be from Tom Waits. Is he an influence? Or is this just a happy accident?

The Tom Waits influence can't really be understated, haha. He's the musician that really opened up my eyes to music in a way that's stuck with me to this day. I took an iPod full of his catalog on a study abroad trip right before I started Ottoman Turks and came back with a whole new vision for what my music, especially Americana/roots-influenced music, could be. 

7. What's next for you? Personally and professionally. Any big goals for the rest of 2023?

I'm writing these answers from Hawaii, actually! A friend invited us on a trip last year and it's crazy to be here now, a week after the album came out, reflecting on everything that's happened and planning for what's to come! December will also be my tenth anniversary with my wife, so that's a big personal milestone... we've been through a lot these past ten years. But professionally, I have big plans... this solo record is meant to help me get out there more. I want to tour more than I ever have - and this year has seen some of that. Performing live is my absolute favorite part of playing music. But it's tough doing it on your own, as I have for most of my career - if anyone is an agent looking to take on an artist that wants to work, please get in touch!

Find out more about Nathan at the links below:






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