All tagged Singer/Songwriter

Music in the Upside Down: John Goolsby's Gratitude Manifesto

It’s already a balmy 92 degrees and sunny here in Nashville, TN, and I’ve been trying since 8 o’clock this morning to put into words how this whole pandemic has affected (and effected) me and my fellow artists and creators. My name is John Goolsby, and I’ve been a full-time music industry professional (if you can call being a singer/songwriter a professional!) since 2011.

Lori McKenna: The Balladeer

For those who have never heard any of Lori McKenna’s work…here is your warning. If you put one of her albums on, you’d better be prepared for a good cry, ‘cause there is just no way to avoid it. Lori has always had this innate skill of writing songs in terms that anyone who has lived more than a decade can relate to. She writes about the hard stuff and she does